You can upload your reference images for a custom portrait right here! You can upload up to 10mb of files. If you need more room, you can email them to me directly at

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Take your pet's photo in natural light, preferably outdoors. The best time is on a bright overcast day but not in direct sunlight as this can cast some unflattering images.

Turn your flash 'OFF'. Flash causes a number of problems and looks very unflattering. It often masks out a lot of detail, causes unnatural shadows and colors, and can often result in the dreaded red-eye or eye glowing effect.

Take the photo at eye level with your pet. Photos looking down on your pet look unflattering and unnatural to the eye. The best angles are with your pet looking straight at you or with their head slightly tilted to one side looking past the camera.

For more tips and tricks, check out this blog post!