the lisping dog

chestnut and mushroom soup
RECIPES Danica Barreau RECIPES Danica Barreau

chestnut and mushroom soup

I’ve been a little lax in posting recipes on The Lisping Dog but for Christmas Eve I made this recipe from Food & Wine and I just had to share. I’m not a huge fan of chestnuts but my mom is so I found this recipe to please both of us. The chestnuts are very mild and add a sweet and earthy flavor to the mushrooms.

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smoked gouda souffle with chives
RECIPES Danica Barreau RECIPES Danica Barreau

smoked gouda souffle with chives

Few things will make my mouth water with anticipation more than the thought of a good cheese souffle. Even after Papa went through his “souffle phase” (cheese souffle every night until it was PERFECT), I still enjoyed it. The “cooking with beer phase” and the “cherry clafouti phase” did not fare so well… Souffles are notoriously fiddly, wanting cold mixing bowls of specific materials, and eggs the right temperature, and very careful mixing of ingredients or they will absolutely refuse to rise.

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